Monday, 14 September 2015

All In One Profits (AIOP) - How It Works for Me!

It was a coincidence and changed my financial life!

Well, I joined All In One Profits (also known as AIOP) in November 2014 when I was looking for an affordable Autoresponder service. Within a month of joining I decided to upgrade my membership to PRO Level to get more benefits from their marketing tools. I got Pro Double Opt-In Autoresponder, Splash/Squeeze Builder, 20 Advanced Link Tracker, 2 Link Rotator, AIOP E-Library, Premium PLR Product Package, Premium Website Builder, 3 Text Blocks and 3 Rotating Banners with unlimited credit, and more… That was an amazing deal for a monthly cost of $20 (+$1.74 payment processor fee).
After two months of joining, when I was surfing few safelist ads, I saw an Ad posted with headline “Turn $10 into $10,000”. I clicked that link and found the exclusive and innovative AIOP “Even Up” compensation plan. I never knew that exists! Extremely lucrative opportunity... No other Internet business offers as much as AIOP for so little!  It’s True..!

I decided to give a try and prepared myself to promote All In One Profits along with my other online business right away. I got paid my first commission of $60 into my Paypal account and earned $1,032 on total to til date. Here is the screenshot (Click on the picture to enlarge).

Screenshot of my 1st AIOP account

Snapshot of my email inbox - Filter Messages form Paypal

I signed up for my 2nd account in last month when I was planning to launch an independent marketing funnel to promote AIOP. Now I have 2 Pro accounts with AIOP (As per their TOS: you can register multiple account with aiop using same name and email id, but the payment processor must be different). See the snapshot of my 2nd account below:
Screenshot of my 2nd AIOP account

Grab my complete marketing system (free) to build your AIOP business on autopilot... click here for more details.

What is All In One Profits?

You may want to know what AIOP (All In One Profits) is...

All In One Profits® is a legitimate International Trade Mark Registered Company. All In One Profits was Founded in 2012. They are a young, ambitious company. The CEO’s of the company are Johan Van Geffen and Isabela Capsuna, both are very well respected in the industry.

The company integrates a suite of essential web tools, products, services and advertising every marketer needs, such as....

-Unlimited splash/squeeze builder
-Tracking tools
-Link Rotator
-Software and e-learning library.

These services are offered at a very affordable price that many people can afford to pay.

$10 (+ $1.50 processor fee) a month for basic membership and $20 (+ $1.74 processor fee) a month for the PRO membership. In addition to the in demand product line-up, they also offer a very lucrative
and innovative compensation plan (100% residual commission) in the industry... bar none!

Take a look at the company website for a detailed breakdown of all the products and pay plan: Click here

Take action right now, Grab my complete marketing system for FREE.


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